Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Peter Hanley

So, i have 5 minutes to run from Ritter Hall to Tyler every Tuesday to make it to the lectures, but it's worth the sprint across campus. This week's lecture Peter introduced me to a lot of online resources for being discovered by the outside world. It really brought on a whole new perspective for me. I have done a couple local shows with my high school, but outside of that, I had NO idea how to get out there. I'm the type who just sits in their studio and creates, but then again, I'm a freshmen and I still have a couple years before I need to be too concerned.

His lecture actually inspired me so much, I had to remind myself that I still am a freshmen and I'm not ready to go opening accounts and getting out there haha.

But he definitely lead me to some awesome blogs like i heart photograph that have inspired me a great deal.

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